High Elves

Here you can find all High Elves bits.


  • Archers
    Here you can find all High Elf Archers bits.
  • High Elf Chariot
    Here you can find all High Elf Chrace / Tiranoc Chariot bits.
  • Phoenix Guard
    Here you can find all High Elf Phoenix Guard bits.
  • Warriors
    Here you can find all High Elf Warriors bits.
  • White Lions of Chrace
    Here you can find all High Elf White Lions of Chrace bits.
  • Lord on Dragon
    Here you can find all High Elf Lord on Dragon bits.
  • Prince & Noble
    On these pages are all bits of the Warhammer Fantasy Battle ™ kit allowing to assemble an High Elf Prince or Noble, on elven steed or on foot.
  • Archmage & Mage
    High Elf Mage Staff or High Elf Archmage Elven Steed, all of the bits from the aforesaid kit of Warhammer Fantasy Battle ™.
  • Shadow Warriors

    In this section, you'll find Warhammer Age of Sigmar ™ bits of Cities of Sigmar Shadow Warriors and also the archer bitz, the Sisters of the Watch.

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